Four Stoneware Bottles, Northeastern U.S. origin, third quarter 19th century, all of similar cylindrical form with tapered necks and large spouts; one impressed with the cobalt-highlighted name and date, "J FRANCIS / 1872"; one with brown-dipped top, stamped "MORTON & RICHARDSON / 1854"; one with cobalt highlighted spout and name, impressed "W E HEALD"; and one impressed with the cobalt-highlighted advertising "VROMAN & BEDELL". Francis bottle with small chips to bottom edge of spout, as well as a tiny nick and wear where neck meets body of bottle. Morton & Richardson bottle with top-to-bottom crack, a few shallow chips to underside, and a glazed-over chip on interior of spout. Heald bottle in excellent condition with some tiny base nicks. Vroman & Bedel bottle with a 4 1/2" crack on side, which continues onto underside where it multiplies, as well as surface wear to top of cylindrical section of bottle, and three faint lines in spout.

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