White Family, Utica, NY Stoneware Batter Pail

July 21, 2018 Stoneware Auction

Lot #: 227

Price Realized: $324.50

($275 hammer, plus 18% buyer's premium)

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July 21, 2018 Auction Catalog

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Four-Quart Stoneware Batter Pail with Cobalt Floral Decoration, attributed to the Whites Pottery, Utica, NY, circa 1875, ovoid form with tubular pouring spout and wood-and-wire bail handle, decorated on the front with a slip-trailed design of a flowering plant with heavily-striped blossom and leaves. Slip-trailed "4" above decoration. Shallow chipping throughout edge of handle at base on reverse. Crazing to underside. A few tiny nicks to shoulder molding. A tight 4" crack from rim on side of pail. Some fry to cobalt.

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