Exceptional Pennsylvania Redware Bowl w/ Elaborate Four-Color-Slip Decoration and Pennsylvania-German Inscription
Winter 2025 Auction of the Carole Wahler Collection
Lot #: 243
Estimate: $5,000-$8,000. About Estimates About Shipping
Lot #: 243
Estimate: $5,000-$8,000. About Estimates About Shipping
Sold! $16,000.
Exceptional Glazed Redware Bowl with Elaborate Four-Color-Slip Decoration and Pennsylvania-German Inscription, Eastern PA origin, early 19th century, large-sized bowl of thin-walled construction with footed base, flaring walls, and semi-squared rim, the interior lavishly-decorated in slip-trailed manganese, copper, and cream-colored slip with a large tulip plant including heavy striped and spotted details to the leaves. Decoration is surrounded by a group of cream-colored slip lines surrounding a wavy line of manganese slip. Shoulder inscribed in cream-colored slip with the slip-trailed Pennsylvania-German slogan, very approximately, "mein heunt : ist : huete : Dies : verschone : aus : mier : boi : gen : die : weir : ehr : vor : mis : und : dis : nuhr : mein : must : sorgen." Unusual yellow-slip scrollwork further decorates the shoulder. Featuring an impressive size and classic Pennsylvania-German decorative elements in its central tulip motif and circular writing, this bowl is an outstanding example of regional Pennsylvania redware. Old grease-filled chips to rim. Various wear to interior. Diam. 15 3/4" ; H 3 1/4".