Original Photograph of Cornwall Kirkpatrick with Children and Oversized Stoneware Pitcher, Signed "E.C. McGAHEY, / PHOTOGRAPHER. / Main st., opposite / HARWOOD'S DRUG STORE, / ANNA, ILLS.", circa 1860, one of the most important and beloved American ceramic images in existence, this photograph depicts Anna Pottery founder, Cornwall Kirkpatrick (1814-1890), with three of his children atop a giant stoneware pitcher. One child sits on the pitcher's rim with feet dangling inside of it, a second sits on the pitcher's handle, and a third ascends a ladder at the pitcher's front, his hand grasping the pitcher's spout. The approximately four-foot-tall pitcher, presumably used as a "storefront" advertising piece, features cobalt floral decoration, an ornamental handle, and a large incised design of the pottery itself. A second small pitcher hangs from the base of the handle. Provenance: From a recently-surfaced collection of Anna Pottery, which descended in the family of Cornwall Kirkpatrick. Family history indicates this photo depicts Kirkpatrick and his children. Literature: Illustrated in Denker, The Kirkpatricks' Pottery At Anna, Illinois and Mohr, Pottery, Politics, Art: George Ohr and the Brothers Kirkpatrick. A small worn spot below top edge. Minor wear to bottom right corner. Very minor surface wear. Dimensions: 4" x 2 3/8".

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